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  • Writer's pictureBrittany Buna

What I am buying: HOKA running shoes

HOKA was born out of the unwavering belief that if you ignored the doubters, brushed off the critics, and poured your heart into a wild idea, it was possible to create a shoe that let people fly down mountains. Today, HOKA makes gear for pro runners and first milers, ultra-marathoners and mountain roamers, neighborhood walkers and wild trail runners, that lets moving go beyond performance.

I live in my HOKA's. I have more pairs than I can count, no joke. I do not care who you are, you need to experience these runners. I promise, these are runners you will never regret buying.

A true story...I first was introduced to HOKA's when I lived in Winnipeg and ran with the Running Room on Wednesday's and Sundays. I thought the runners were UGLY and I would NEVER buy them. Fast forward 7 years and I do not go a day without wearing them. I went from hater to lover in only a few steps.

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